Parnell knot (ending knot)
The Parnell knot is an ending knot. You can use it to:
- Tie the end of a main string to a main
- Tie the end of a cross string to a main
The standing end is the end coming from your work. Standing because there's resistance when you pull on it. The loose end is the other one.
The anchor string is the fixed string you are tying a knot to (in blue below).
- Tie a hitch around the main string by going over and across the main, return under and through the loop, cinch down to a small loop, not tight.
- Go behind the anchor and across, return up through your loosely cinched first loop. Keep this second loop large.
Hold the loose end in one hand (so you don't lose it), and take the large loop and pull up on the standing end. Cinch the knot further with successive tugs, up and down the anchor string. This will remove slack.
Finally, pull the loose end tight to finish the knot. Trim close, leaving about 1/8 inch.
Last updated on January 15, 2023