Setting the price of your stringing service
Stringerbud lets you set a default price on your catalog items. This is the price that will be used when you add this item to a bill. Do not worry, you will be able to customize this price on a per-bill basis if needed.
Let’s do it:
- From the home screen, select see all catalog items
- On the « stringing job » item, click on the menu button, then edit
- On the item page, scroll to the bottom, and in the default price, type the fee you generally charge for a stringing job.
- At the bottom right, hit save
You’ll be taken back to the catalog, with a caveat: you are looking at the current selection.
The selection allows you to manage multiple items together. Eg you could select 5 different materials that you received a shipment of, and go to the reception screen pre-populated with these 5 materials.
More on this on managing your inventory.
You can switch from the selection list to the catalog using the round buttons at the bottom right.
Last updated on January 15, 2023